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Journal Articles
Digital Signals Based Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration System of Power Distribution Network
Pages: 69-74
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Electric Power Information and Communication Technology

Keyword:  Distribution Automation(DA)fault locationtele-signalingDFStopology analysis;
Abstract: The DA(Distribution Automation) system based on digital signals can effi ciently achieve goals of fault location, isolation and restoration of power supply. The method is different from the one used in the analog signals based DA system. The latter requires a large number of accurate analog signals to locate faults and has a relatively complex algorithm implementation, but the former can accurately locate faults just depending on the digital signals. From two aspects of topology analysis and depth-first-search(DFS), this paper introduces the implementation process of digital signals based DA systems. Experimental results show that the system can accurately locate various faults and handle a few faults appeared concurrently in different positions.
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