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Journal Articles
Research on the Relationship of Inter-organizational Competitive Intelligence Sharing and Cooperative Innovative Performance
Pages: 12-18
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Information Studies:Theory & Application

Keyword:  competitive intelligenceresource sharingcooperative innovationstructural equation model;
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship of inter-organizational competitive intelligence( CI) sharing and cooperative innovation performance( CIP). Based on the status of the shortage of empirical support in related researches,the paper summarizes 7 variables: including CI cognition degree,performance expectancy,specific investment,contribution,risk,coordination of sharing and cooperative innovation performance,puts forward some related research hypothesis and constructs the conceptual model. The empirical result shows that CI cognition degree,specific investment,contribution and coordination of sharing have significant and positive influence on cooperative innovation performance,and the positive influence of performance expectancy and risk on cooperative innovation performance is not significant.
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