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Aeroelastic and minimum-weight optimization design of a high-aspect-ratio composite wing
Author(s): ZHU Jiang-hui, CHEN Yan, SUN Yong-jun, Chinese Flight Test Establishment
Pages: 1-
Year: 2015
Journal: Aircraft Design
Keyword: high-aspect-ratio; w ing areas; multiple objective functions and constraints; optimization design;
Abstract: According to the feature of load-supporting and aeroelasic in different position of the high-aspect-ratio composite w ing,the w ing w as divided into many areas. The optimization design w ith multiple objective functions and multiple constraints w ere carried out under the conditions of meeting the structure strength and stability,w hile view the lay-up thickness and lay-up sequence of each area as design variables and the w eight and buffeting speed of composite w ing as objective function. After optimization design,the w eight of composite w ing had been reduced by 21. 62% and the buffeting speed had been increased by 12. 97% w ith meeting all of the constraints. It is proved that the lay-up thickness and lay-up sequence has great influence on the w eight and buffeting speed of the composite w ing and should be focused on the integration design of the composite w ing.
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