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Journal Articles
Effects of Foaming Agent on Physical Properties of Porous Glass-Ceramics
Pages: 1054-1061
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University(Natural Science)

Keyword:  porous glass-ceramicsfluxfoaming agentw ollastonite;
Abstract: Influences of foaming agent on physical properties of porous glass-ceramics,such as theapparent density,the porosity and the thermal conductivity w ere studied. Ideal foaming agent types,parameters w ere determined and porous glass ceramics w ith high performance w ere prepared Using w aste glass as raw material,adding different types and different dosages of foaming agent to prepare porous glass ceramics,the best type and the optimal amount of foaming agent w ere screened out. Adding calcium carbonate,sodium carbonate and barium carbonate as vesicant,polyethylene glycol as binder,Cr2O3 as nucleating agent,Ti O2 as nucleating agent,Ca F2 as a flux in glass pow der,porous glass ceramics w ere prepared by pow der sintering method. Physical properties,such as the porosity,the apparent density,the thermal conductivity,and crystallization properties of some prepared samples w ere test and analyzed. Results show that using sodium carbonate as foaming agent is most ideal. When the dosage of sodium carbonate is 4% ~ 8%,w ith the increase of sodium carbonate dosage,the apparent density of porous glass ceramics increases at first and then decreases; the coefficient of thermal conductivity firstly decreases and then increases. When the content of sodium carbonate is 6%,the minimum apparent density of 1. 573 6 g / cm3 is obtained,the maximum porosity is 64. 08% and the minimum thermal conductivity is 0. 108 W /( m·K). The main crystalline phase of porous glass ceramics is w ollastonite. Conclusion is that under certain conditions of the heat treatment,adding different types,different dosages of foaming agent,porous glass ceramics w ith high performance,such as light w eight,high strength and thermal shock resistance can be prepared by using w aste glass. It is indicated that this study provides a corresponding theoretical basis for choosing foaming agent of porous glass ceramics.
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