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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Antibacterial Activity of Different Extracts from Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction
Pages: 711-713
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-Use in Hospital of China

Keyword:  ExtractionDrug stabilitySolventsSanhuang Xiexin decoctionAntibacterial activity;
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To explore the antibacterial activity of different extracts from Sanhuang Xiexin decoction.METHODS: The antibacterial activity of the water extract versus 75% ethanol extract from Sanhuang Xiexin decoction against Escherichia coil and Staphylococcus aureus was measured by a disk agar diffusion method. RESULTS: The antibacterial activity of 75% ethanol extract from Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction was stronger than its water counterpart,and after expoure to different temperature and ultraviolet radiation,75% ethanol extract exhibited stable antibacterial activity against E. coil and S. aureus. CONCLUSIONS: The 75% ethanol extract from Sanhuang Xiexin decoction showed stable antibacterial activity against E. coil and S. aureus.
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