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Some Conditions on the West Decomposition of Riesz Operators
Author(s): Zhong Huai-jie
Pages: 26-
Year: 1987
Journal: Journal of Fujian Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Keyword: West; 巴拿赫空间; 代数重数; 零特征值; 充分必要条件; 正则点; 依范数收敛; 无穷维; 希尔伯特空间; 上三角矩阵;
Abstract: In this paper, we first give some sufficient and necessary conditions for Riesz operators on general Banach spaces to have West decomposition. Then, we obtain a sufficient condition, Σ|λ_n|<∞, for T∈R(X) (X denotes any Banach space) to admit of a West decomposition T = K +Q, here {λ_n} being an enumeration of the nonzero eigenvalues of T, each repeated as many times as its algebraic multiplicity.This condition apparently is weaker than that given by H. Radjavi and C. Laurie.
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