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Impact of Coarse Aggregate Properties on Performance of Stone Matrix Asphalt
Author(s): A.Hussain, Qiu Yanjun, Ai Changfa
Pages: 719-
Year: 2012
Journal: Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science)
Keyword: SMA; marshall stability; skid resistance; blending ratio; texture depth;
Abstract: Stone Matrix Asphalt(SMA) is regularly and successfully used for surface courses in many countries.In this study SMA was designed using local aggregates for Na-Qian highway.Two coarse aggregates limestone and basalt were used in different blending ratio for comparative analysis in laboratory.Laboratory testing of the SMA surface mixtures was performed to determine volumetric and mixture specific characteristics.Testing included Marshall stability,dynamic stability,low temperature bending,texture depth,and friction coefficient.The results and analysis determined that SMA is a good surface meeting the project demands.It was concluded from this study that different aggregate blending can significantly alter the SMA mixture properties.
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