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Journal Articles
Peripheral nerve repair:a hot spot analysis on treatment methods from 2010 to 2014
Pages: 996-1002
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Neural Regeneration Research

Keyword:  nerve regenerationperipheral nerve injurynerve repairneural transplantationnerve transfertissue engineeringgenetic engineeringbibliometricsWeb of Scienceneural regeneration;
Abstract: Therapeutic strategies for neurological deifcits and for promoting nerve regeneration after pe-ripheral nerve injuries have received much focus in clinical research. Advances in basic research in recent years have increased our understanding of the anatomy of peripheral nerves and the importance of the microenvironment. Various new intervention methods have been developed, but with varying effectiveness. In the present study, we selected 911 papers on different repair methods for peripheral nerve injury from the Web of Science and indexed in the Science Citation Index from 2010 to 2014. We quantitatively examine new repair methods and strategies using bibliometrics, and we discuss the present state of knowledge and the problems and prospects of various repair methods, including nerve transfer, neural transplantation, tissue engineering and genetic engineering. Our ifndings should help in the study and development of repair methods for peripheral nerve injury.
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