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Journal Articles
Cloning and Expression of Ferritin Gene in Bluntnose Black Bream Megalobrama amblycephala
Pages: 3-10
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Fisheries

Keyword:  Megalobrama amblycephalaferritingene expressionAeromonas hydrophila;
Abstract: A ferritin m iddle-chain(M )subunit,M aFerM ,w ascloned from bluntsnoutbream Megalobrama amblycephala by rapid am -plification ofD N A ends(R A C E).Itw asfound thatthe full-length cD N A ofM aFerM w as942 bp consisting ofa 5'-untranslated region (U TR)of150 bp,an open reading fram e(O R F)of522 bp and a 3'-U TR of270 bp.The O R F encoded a putative protein of174 am ino acids,w hich shared extensive sequence identities w ith the M ferritins of several fish species. The putative iron-response elem ents (IR Es)w ere observe atthe nucleotide sequence of124~154 position in the 5'-U TR offerritin.Fluorescence quantitative real-tim e re-verse transcription polym erase chain reaction analysisindicated thatthe m axim alM aFerM expression w asfound in the hepatopancreas and the m inim alin the brain and responded positively to experim entalchallenges w ith Aeromonas hydrophila.The findings indicate thatM aFerM isa functionalM ferritin and islikely to play a role in protection againstm icrobialinfection.
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