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Afforestation Effects of Different Kinds of Broadleaved Trees in Cut-Over Area in Western Mountains of Fujian Province
Author(s): Luo Dengsheng
Pages: 54-
Year: 2015
Journal: Protection Forest Science and Technology
Keyword: cut-over area; afforestation; comprehensive evaluation;
Abstract: Afforestation effects of four kinds of native broadleaved trees in same site in Liancheng County of Fujian Province were analyzed .Result shows that the main effect test of height below branch ,mean crown are all reach sig‐nificant differences ;stand volume of different species has no significant difference;through comprehensive evalua‐tion ,Castanopsis fissa obtain the highest score;Betula luminfera obtain the lowest score .But the overall score of different species has little difference ,which illustrates that four kinds of species all have optimal adaptation for affor‐estation in site .
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