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Journal Articles
Cause Analysis and Reconstruction for the Temperature Deviation in 1 069 t/h Large-Scale Domestic CFB Boiler
Pages: 46-52
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Electric Power Science and Engineering

Keyword:  circulating fluidized bed boilerthe temperature deviationstatic pressure distributionhood;
Abstract: The bed temperature deviation between the middle and both sides of the furnace reaches 110℃in oper-ation, which added the operation difficulties of a thermal power plant.Focusing on the above problem, some re-searches had been carried out, such as the analysis of operating data, the design of hood reconstruction program and the effectiveness analysis of hood reconstruction, etc.Finally the throttling reconstruction of hoods was carried out to reduce the air flow through the central region of the furnace, the temperature deviation has been significantly improved, which dropped below 50℃on the whole.
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