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Journal Articles
A Summarization of Countercurrent Flow Limitation Experiment Stuidies
Pages: 556-560
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Nuclear Power Engineering

Keyword:  PWR SBLOCA Counteraurrent Flow Limitation Steam generator Invert U tube Two-phase flow;
Abstract: Counterflow condensation is one of the important core cooling mechanisms during a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) of PWR. The core decay heat still can be removed, even for natural circulation can not be established where the reactor coolant inventory has been lost so significant, by counterflow condensation. However, there is a possibility that, for large core steaming rate, liquid holdup will occurred in some place, this situation is socalled countercurrent flow limitation (CCFL). A summarization of CCFL experiment study was summarized in this papaer, also some suggestions were propsed.
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