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Influences of vinyl pyridine(VP)latex on adhesion between impregnating polyester tire cord and rubber
Author(s): Guo Yi, School of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering
Pages: 36-
Year: 2015
Journal: China Adhesives
Keyword: impregnating latex; vinyl pyridine(VP)latex; adhesion; polyester tire cord; rubber; curing time;
Abstract: The impregnating latex,which was a RFL[resorcinol(R)- formaldehyde(F)- latex] fluid forimpregnating polyester tire cord,was made from R-F fluid(namely linear pre-polycondensation fluid between Rand F) and polyblend latex[including VP(vinyl pyridine) latex,SBR(butylbenzene latex),and NR(naturalrubber)]. The bonding principle between tire cord and rubber was introduced from bonding types[such asmechanical bonding and embedded,chemical bonding(including crosslinking)and physical bonding(hydrogenbonding),scattered bonding and diffusion bonding]. The formative process of adhesion between VP latex andpolyester fiber was analyzed by solubility parameter theory,and the influences of some factors(such as VP latexcontents,curing time and material proportion)on adhesion between tire cord and rubber were discussed. Theresearch results showed that the adhesion between tire cord and rubber could meet the requirements of relevantstandards,and it had the lower cost,better mechanical stability and chemical stability,and relatively higherretention rate of adhesion after storage(or heat)when mass fraction of m(VP latex)∶m(SBR)∶m(NR)was 80∶15∶5.
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