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Application of Open Source Search Engine Solr to Build Standards Information Management and Analysis Platform
Author(s): Wang Feng, Wei Feng, Liu Yi, Zhou Hong, Zhao De, The Wuhan Branch of National Science Library Chinese Academy of Sciences
Pages: 92-
Year: 2014
Journal: New Technology of Library and Information Service
Keyword: Solr Faceted search Standards information management;
Abstract: [Objective] The paper is to build an online standards information management and analysis platform based on faceted search engine Solr to meet standards information research requirements of the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences.[Context] It is the direction to improve efficiency in standards information research by using network platform to manage and analyze data.[Methods] The paper describes the system framework based on MVC multi-layer architecture, designs index fields to meet the demands for information analysis, emphasizing on the implementation of standards information retrieve, computing and analysis by using Solr’s rapid indexing and faceted search. [Results] Large amounts of standard data are managed effectively, analyzed and visualized in the platform.[Conclusions] The system has been applied by the standards information analysis team, which can improve work efficiency greatly.
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