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Journal Articles
Optimization of Induction Conditions of Recombinant Cyanide-degrading Enzyme Expressed in E. coli
Pages: 737-743
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science

Keyword:  Cyanide-degrading enzymeAlcaligenes sp.Inducible expressionIntegral optical density methodRecombinant E.coli;
Abstract: Cyanide-degrading enzyme from Alcaligenes sp. expressed in E. coli were optimized by using integral optical density method to increase the production and activity of the recombinant protein. The results showed that the cyanide-degrading enzyme could be expressed optimally by adding 0.8 mmol/L IPTG at an initial OD600 of 0.6and induced for 12 hours at 28℃. Further study found that the concentration of IPTG had a significant impact on the expression level of recombinant cyanide-degrading enzyme. The yield of recombinant protein and its specific activity were 143.27 mg/L and 11 560 U/mg after induced by 0.8 mmol/L IPTG for 12 hours, which were increased by64 times and 9 times than those without IPTG, respectively.
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