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Journal Articles
Rare earth elements content and health risk assessment of soil and crops in typical rare earth mine area in Jiangxi Province
Pages: 3084-3093
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae

Keyword:  rare earth elementssoilwatercropshealth risk assessmentrare earth mine area;
Abstract: The rare earth elements content and health risk assessment of soil,water and main crops in rare earth mine area in Longnan County,Jiangxi Province were studied. The results showed that rare earth element contents in mining soil was in a range between 538. 73 ~ 1625. 76 mg·kg-1,with an average of 976.94 mg·kg-1.It was 4.53 times and 5.09 times the background value of soil rare earth elements in Jiangxi Province and China,respectively.The average content of rare earth elements in rivers was 55.72 mg·L-1,8974.7 times the rivers’ rare earth elements content in the control region. The average content of rare earth elements in the well water was 0.033 mg·L-1,10.55 times the content in well water from the control region. The rare earth elements content of 10 crops were in the range of 1.04 ~ 78.57 mg·kg-1,higher than the limit content of rare earth elements in Chinese vegetable sanitation standard( 0.70 mg·kg-1). The rare earth elements content of different crop types was in the order of pakchoi>radish>sweet potato>cabbage> purple taro>pachyrhizus>taro>chili>tomato>rice. Applying the health risk assessment method recommended by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency( USEPA),we found that the residents’ lifelong average daily intake of rare earth elements in rare earth mining area was 295.33 μg·kg-1·d-1,far higher than the critical value harmful to human health. Pakchoi and radish contributed 76.92% of the total rare earth elements for the fool daily intake of the mining area residents,so it issuggested that cropping and traditional dietpatterns should change,with less intake ofpakchoi and radish and more selection of crop typeswith low accumulation of rare earth elements. These measures could reduce the damage of rare earth elements to human health.
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