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Journal Articles
Clinical observation of Narcotrend monitor used in the depth of anesthesia in elderly patients with general anesthesia
Pages: 6-7+10
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: China Medical Engineering

Keyword:  NarcotrendTotal intravenous anesthesiaElderly patients;
Abstract: 【Objective】To investigate the impact of Narcotrend monitor in elder patients with general anesthesia. 【Methods】During February 2013 to December 2014, 90 patients who received stomach colorectal surgery randomly divided into 3 groups: lighter anesthesia group(n=30,group 1), deeper anesthesia group(n=30,group 2) and control group(n=30,group 3). Compared duration of surgery(t1), the end of operation over to the time of awareness recovery(t2), tracheal extubation(t3), directional force to restore(t4), propofol and remifentanil consumption. 【Results】The lighter anesthesia group and deeper anesthesia group needed significantly less propofol than the control group, and t2,t3 and t4 are more shorter(P<0.05). There was no intraoperative awareness happened and 1(3.33%) POCD patients occurred in group 2. Comparison doses of remifentanil there was no significant difference(P>0.05). 【Conclusion】In elderly patients’ general anesthesia Narcotrend monitor can facilitate a significant reduction of recovery times and promote the recovery of patients, it has important clinical significance.
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