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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Effects of Soybean Oligopeptides with High Purity on Animal Blood Sugar and LD50 Test
Pages: 1696-1698+1707
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Journal of Changchun University

Keyword:  high purity soybean oligopeptidesNSI valueblood sugarliver glycogenLD50;
Abstract: This project,taking the " high purity soybean oligopeptides" with peptide purity≥90%,relative molecular mass distribution≤103,content≥80%,NSI value = 100% successfully developed by Center for Science and Technology Development Research of Changchun University as the test material,makes tests of the effects on blood sugar of mice and LD50. The results show that the"high purity soybean oligopeptides"have the functions of reducing blood sugar and liver glycogen,and the median lethal dose can’t be measured,which is proved to be non-toxic.
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