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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Effect of Oil Temperature on Quenching Ability of 60Si2MnA Steel
Pages: 215-216+219
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Hot Working Technology

Keyword:  60Si2Mn A steeloil temperaturequenching depthtensile abilitydistortion;
Abstract: Effects of ordinary quenching oil temperature on quenching depth, tensile ability and distortion of 60Si2 Mn A steel were studied. The results show that quenching depth of the steel achieves the maximum with an oil temperature of 30 ℃. Tensile stress andquenchingdistortionofthesteelreachthetopwhenoiltemperatureis50 ℃,thendecreasewiththeincreaseofoiltemperature.
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