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Benefit analysis of enterprises to establish traceability systems based digital management
Author(s): LI Qing-guang, WU Lin-hai, YU Zhong, Food Safety Research Base of Jiangsu Province, Synergetic Innovation Center of Food Safety and Nutrition, School of Business, Jiangnan University, Technical Center of Nanjing Yurun Meat Industry Group
Pages: 351-
Year: 2015
Journal: Food Science and Technology
Keyword: food traceable; enterprise; benefits; digital management;
Abstract: Food traceability technology and related application systems has become a hot issue in the world and focus of the research. Enterprises implement the traceability is not only to improve the safety management level of the enterprise, at the same time, digital management in the enterprise also has a large benefits. Combined with three aspects of performance indicators, which are breadth, depth and precision, benefi ts and main characteristics of the traceability system was analyzed from the food safety risk management, production process management, technology innovation and management decisionmaking. Studies have shown that, the implementation of traceability can effectively promote enterprise digital management, has greatly improved in terms of cost control, production estimates, and market orientation, etc. In the process of perfecting traceability, enterprises should focus on improving the precision of the traceability, and to further strengthen the construction of digital fl ow and product fl ow corresponding to achieve more perfect intelligent traceability system.
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