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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Clinical Pharmacists’ Experience with Anti-infective Treatment for Bacterial Liver Abscess
Pages: 685-687
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-Use in Hospital of China

Keyword:  Clinical pharmacistLiver abscessDrug treatmentClinical practice;
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To investigate the entry point for clinical pharmacists to provide pharmaceutical care for patient with bacterial liver abscess so as to provide reference for clinical rational use of drug. METHODS: The clinical pharmacists were involved in the treaetment of patient with bacterial liver abscess by monitoring the adverse drug reactions during medication,putting forward suggestions on rational pharmacetuical care and carrying out health educaiton. RESULTS:Clinical pharmacists’ involvment in the patient’s drug treatment resulted in patient’s medication safety and improvement in prognosis for the benefit of patient. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical pharmacists actively involvement in clinical drug treatmentby bringing their expertise into full play is conducive to the clinical rational use of drugs.
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