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Journal Articles
Magneto-hydrodynamic calculation of magnetic flux compression with explosion driven solid liners and analysis of quasi-isentropic process
Pages: 84-92
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Acta Physica Sinica

Keyword:  magneto-hydrodynamicsflux accumulation by explosionsimulation calculationquasi-isentropic compression;
Abstract: Magnetic cumulative generator(MC-1) is a kind of high energy density dynamic device. A liner is driven by a cylindrical explosive implosion to compress the magnetic flux preset in the cavity. Then the chemical energy is converted into magnetic one, which is cumulated nearby the axis to form ultra-intense magnetic field used to load sample in non-touch manner. This loading technique can bring higher pressure and relatively low elevated temperature in the sample and has a very high-degree isentropy in the course of compression. The configuration magneto-hydrodynamic code SSS/MHD is used to develop one-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic calculation of magnetic flux compression with explosion driven solid liner. The calculation results of magnetic field in cavity and velocity of inner wall of sample tube are obtained and accord with the magnetic field measured by probe and the velocity measured by laser interference.The buckling and Bell-Plesset instabilization produced by linearly compressing magnetic field are shown through frame photography. The change laws of magnetic diffusion, eddy current and magnetic pressure in liner and sample tube are analyzed, which show that the magnetic field and pressure and eddy near to cavity in the sample tube are all higher than the ones in the liner with the same distance to cavity. The balance between the electromagnetism force and implosion action and the difference between sample tube and liner velocities are the main reasons under imploding movement. The change of isentropic increment with compression degree at the same location, whose distance is 0.05 mm to magnetic cavity in the sample tube, is discussed. The result indicates that the ratio of the maximum increment to specific heat of sample tube material is about 10%, which shows that the process of compression magnetic flux with explosion is quasi-isentropic. In general, SSS/MHD code can reveal in depth the physic images which are difficult to measure or observe in the magneto-hydrodynamics experiment.
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