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Role of Kupffer Cells in Hepatitis B or C Virus Infections
Author(s): TAN Zuoqing(zongshu), ZHU Xizuo, GONG Jianping(shenyue)
Pages: 106-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Medical Molecular Biology
Keyword: Kupffer cell; infection; inflammation; immunity;
Abstract: Hepatitis B or C virus (HBV/ HCV) infections are the most common cause of chron-ic liver disease. Kupffer cells (KCs), located in the hepatic sinusoid, are the visceral macrophages of greatest number, and they play an extremely important role in the development of liver chronic inflammation after HBV/ HCV infection. KCs affect the secretion of cytokines and interaction between cells through a variety of signaling pathways, and regulate the inflammatory response and immune activity. The activation of KC is the key to the balance of inflammation and anti-inflammation, and it maintains the stability of the internal environment. Studies on KC are of great importance for the un-derstanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and treatment of HBV/ HCV infections.%
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