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Journal Articles
Geological Features and Ore Prospecting Indicators of Sishangou Silver Deposit
Pages: 108-111,123
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Gansu Metallurgy

Keyword:  silver depositgeological featuresore prospecting indicatorsSishangou;
Abstract: Abstracts:The regional geotectonic position is in the joint area between the east extension of the north Qilian Caledonian fold belt and east-west trend Qinling Hualixi fold belt.The deposit is hosted in layered state in the contact belt region be-tween banded marble and andesitic tuff of specularite mineralization zone in the Ordovician system, strictly controlled by Fa2 fault structure.Analysis of four valley silver deposit indicates that the deposit is a sedimentary type, with good metallo-genic conditions and prospecting prospect.
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