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Journal Articles
Analysis of influence factors on frost heaving of clay
Pages: 1-4
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Pingdingshan Institute of Technology

Keyword:  clayfrost heavingsaturationdry densitytemperature change;
Abstract: In this paper, the experiment mainly studied the influence of temperature, saturation and dry densi-ty on frost heaving of clay. The test adopted free frost heave method, through the temperature probe to monitor the internal temperature change. At the same time, using the three-dimensional strain rosette tested the devel-opment process and laws on the strain of clay block and the frost heaving. The analysis of data obtained the in-fluence of temperature, saturation and dry density on frost heaving of clay. Research shows that, in freezing process, the strain increases sharply;freezing is completed, at constant temperature strain, it has a slight de-crease. In the condition of the same temperature and saturation, for the saturation state soil, the larger the dry density is, the smaller the frost heaving is;and for non-saturated soil, the larger the dry density is, the greater the frost heaving becomes. In the condition of the same temperature and dry density, the higher saturation is, the greater frost heaving becomes.
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