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Effect of Memory Alignment Mechanism for Transplantμcos-ii
Author(s): Chen Dapeng, Wang Wei
Pages: 64-
Year: 2015
Journal: Ordnance Industry Automation
Keyword: memory alignment; stack structure;
Abstract: In order to improve the stability and reliability of the codes for transplant μcos-ii and avoid possible problems in the using process, this paper analyzed the changes of stack pointer in the interrupt process carefully by contraposing to the fact that DSP TMS320F28335 expects memory wrappers or peripheral-interface logic to align any 32-bit read or write to an even address, made some adjustments of the task stack structure ofμcos-ii and gave a guidance of coding for transplant functions and applications based on these adjustments. At last, an experiment was designed to test the transplant codes. The result shows that this method is feasible and can achieve the task switch purpose ofμcos-ii.
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