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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The "New Pattern" of Chinese Manufacturing Industry and Its Evaluation Research
Pages: 63-75
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Industrial Economics

Keyword:  manufacturing industrynew patternevaluation;
Abstract: Environmental constraints and the disability of independent innovation had become main bottle necks of Chinese manufacturing development,so Chinese manufacturing must take "new pattern" road.For the first time we gave five dimensional connotation of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern" from the perspective of the ability of economic creativity,the ability of innovation of science and technology,the ability of energy saving,the ability of environmental protection and the ability of social service.And on the basis of five dimensional connotation,we established the evaluation index system of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern" including economic indicators,technological indicators,energy indicators,environmental indicators and social service indicators.Then we performed evaluation of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern".The results showed that:on the whole,in 2003—2012,the degree of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern" gradually increased and the overall development trend of Chinese manufacturing was good.At regional level,the degree of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern" had the ladder distribution situation in 2012 and showed the spatial distribution of east highest,northeast and central next,west lowest in the comprehensive ability.At provincial level,there were significant differences in the degree of Chinese manufacturing "new pattern" between different regions in the comprehensive ability.In eastern regions,Jiangsu,Guangdong,Shandong,Zhejiang and Shanghai were strong,Tianjin,Beijing and Fujian were relatively strong,Hainan and Hebei were relatively weak;In central regions,Anhui,Henan,Hunan and Hubei were relatively strong,Jiangxi was relatively weak,Shanxi was weak;In western regions,Chongqing and Sichuan were relatively strong,Shanxi,Guangxi and Inner Mongolia were relatively weak,Gansu,Ningxia,Qinghai,Guizhou,Yunnan,Xinjiang and Xizang were weak;In northeast regions,Liaoning and Jilin were relatively strong,Heilongjiang was relatively weak.
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