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The Effect of Oxidation Degree of Oxidized Starch on the Properties of Sodium Alginate/Gelatin IPNs Crosslinked with Oxidized Starch
Author(s): Yun Liu, Chuan Zhang, Chuan-jie Zhang, Yi Guo, Jin-chao Zhao, Li Cui, Ping Zhu, Hubei Biomass Fibers and Eco-dyeing & Finishing Key Laboratory, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, State Key Laboratory of New Textile Materials and Advanced Processing Technologies, Wuhan Textile University
Pages: 374-
Year: 2015
Journal: Acta Polymerica Sinica
Keyword: Oxidized starch; Sodium alginate; Gelatin; IPNs; Preparation; Properties;
Abstract: The sodium alginate/gelatin interpenetrating polymeric network(IPN) films were prepared by incorporating gelatin crosslinked with oxidized starch as a crosslinking agent into sodium alginate crosslinked with calcium chloride as a crosslinking agent.The structures of oxidized starch and sodium alginate/gelatin IPN films were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR).The effects of the oxidation degree of oxidized starch on the mechanical properties,thermal stabilities,micromorphologies,crosslinking degree,and water absorption and retaining rates of IPN films were investigated in details.The results indicated that tensile strength,elongation at break and crosslinking degree of IPN films first increased and then decreased with increasing oxidation degree of oxidized starch,and the above properties of the IPN films were optimized when the oxidation degree of oxidized starch increased to 60%.However,the water absorption and retaining rates first decreased and then increased with increasing oxidation degree of oxidized starch,and the reason was that the abundant hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of both macromolecular chains,which were hydrophilic,were trapped when uniform and dense network structures were formed in the two phases with increasing oxidation degree of oxidized starch,which decreased the water absorption and retaining rates of IPN films.And the results also indicated that there existed an optimal crosslinking degree of oxidized starch for crosslinking alginate /gelatin system.
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