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Current Situation of Supporting Technology of Long-wall Mining in United States
Author(s): GU Quan-zhong, ZHOU Guang-hua
Pages: 1-
Year: 2015
Journal: Coal Mining Technology
Keyword: long-wall mining; supporting software; anchored-bolt supporting; auxiliary supporting; dismantlement cavern;
Abstract: This paper introduced general situation of long-wall mining, evaluation software of mine supporting, roadway supporting, key point of anchored-bolt supporting and application of dismantlement cavern in long-wall mining face. mine supporting software includ-ed coal-pillar design and its stability evaluation, influence of multi-coalseam mining, anchored-bolt supporting evaluation, supporting design and evaluation, and roof classification. In roadway supporting, anchored force per unit length, and auxiliary and pillar support-ing widely used in U. S. under complex geological condition. Application of dismantlement cavern in long-wall mining improved disman-tlement speed and extended utilization of inorganic powder.
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