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Journal Articles
Recent Advances in Application of HPLC-MS/MS Coupling Technique in Arsenic Compounds and Its Degradation Products Analysis
Pages: 91-96
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Chinese Journal of Animal Science

Keyword:  organoarsenic compoundcoupling techniquedegradationhigh-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) with ESI mass spectrometry(HPLC-ESI-MS)MS/MS;
Abstract: As feed additives, organoarsenic compounds(roxarsone and arsanilic acid) were mainly excreted with feces after being fed to animals. It can be degraded and transformed into some kinds of water-soluble inorganic arsenic with much stronger toxicity in environment, thus threating the safety of human. During recent years, whether to use arsenic feed additives is in debate. The knowledge of degradation and transformation patterns of organoarsenic additives in environment is still lacking. A review of the application of the coupling techniques of high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) with mass spectrometry(HPLC-MS/MS) to the analysis of organic arsenic speciation was presented. With the advantage in identifying the molecular structure of unknown compounds according to the multi-level MS technology, the application of HPLC-MS/MS to the analysis of organoarsenic compounds and its degradation products will be more and more wide.
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