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Off-label Use of Antineoplastic Drugs in Children
Author(s): DUAN Yanyan, PEI Baofang, CHEN Haiyan, TAO Xingru, LIU Xiaoling, CAO Songshan, Dept. of Pharmacy, Zhengzhou Municipal Children’s Hospital
Pages: 484-
Year: 2015
Journal: Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-Use in Hospital of China
Keyword: Children; Off-label drug use; Antineoplastic drug; Analysis of drug use;
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To investigate the off-label use of antineoplastic drugs in Zhengzhou Children’s Hospital( hereinafter referred to as"our hospital") in order to promote clinical rational use of drug. METHODS: The medical records of the patients who had been treated with antineoplastic drugs discharged from our hospital during JulyDecember period of 2013 were analyzed with regard to off-label drug use. RESULTS: A total of 595 medical records containing 6 497 antineoplastic medication orders were reviewed. The off-label drug use was noted in 429 medical records,accounting for 72. 10% and there were a total of 1 606 off-label medication orders,accounting for 24. 72%.The drugs ranked in descending order in the incidence of off-label use were alkylating agents( 79. 56%),antitumor antibiotics( 62. 26%) and plant-derived anticancer drugs( 31. 38%). The top three types of off-label use were offlabel single dose( 47. 38%),off-label indications( 27. 11%) and off-label route of administration( 17. 56%). The top three antineoplastic ranked by number of off-label medical orders were Calcium Folinate-SF injections( 551),etoposide injections( 482) and cyclophosphamide injections( 373). CONCLUSIONS: The off-label use ofantineoplastic drugs is common in our hospital,and some off-label use is evidence-based,is evidence-based learning,however,it is important to tighten monitoring on the use of antineoplastic drugs and standardize their use so as to safe and rational ensure medication safety among children.
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