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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research on the Promoting Effects of "Yizhihao" on Hair Growth in Mice
Pages: 2230-2233+2272
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Progress in Modern Biomedicine

Keyword:  Xinjiang Uygur traditional Chinese herbal formulation "Yizhihao"Hair growthHair follicleHUVECs;
Abstract: Objective: To study the effects of Xinjiang Uygur traditional Chinese herbal preparation "Yizhihao" on hair growth in mice, and to investigate its possible mechanism. Methods: Kun Ming mice were chosen as experimental animals. The 30 mice were randomly divided into test group, normal control group and positive control group. The hair growth condition in 21 days was observed, as well as the hair length and weight of each group. MTT assay was used to investigate the proliferation effects on human umbilical vein vascular endothelial cells(HUVECs) of the aqueous extract of "Yizhihao". Results: Compared with the normal control group, the hair length, weight and the number of hair follicles showed great significant difference(P<0.01,P<0.001). Compared with that in the positive control group, the hair weight was higher and the number of hair follicles was more in the test group. "Yizhihao" could promote the growth and proliferation of HUVECs significantly. Conclusion: Xinjiang Uygur traditional Chinese herbal formulation "Yizhihao" can significantly promote hair growth in mice and its possible mechanism is to promote the growth of hair follicles and HUVECs.
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