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Journal Articles
Technical Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Sliding Sleeve Seal
Pages: 98-102
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Lubrication Engineering

Keyword:  sliding sleeveslicesealing solutionO-ringssealing property;
Abstract: As an important tool of the slicing mining technology of petroleum and natural gas,sliding sleeves’ sealing performance directly affects on the slicing mining effect.Different sealing solutions used for the sliding sleeves were classi?fied and summarized,including the O?ring seal,lip seal,special seal and their different combination sealing forms.The seal?ing performances were evaluated for different forms of seals from five aspects,such as sealing effect,shearing resistance, wear resistance,service life and cost.By considering the five indicators synthetically,sleeve seals can choose simple star?rings,star?rings with apron,U?rings,double triangle rings of Tecom,and other forms of seals.Taking economy and practica?bility into consideration,simple O?rings and O?rings with flat apron are more applicable at slow speed and low pressure, and combination of O?rings and trapezoidal rings,fabric reinforced rubber combination V?ring seals,K?type seals of Tecom Manchester,T?rings of TeKanggelai are usually used at high pressure and large speed change.
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