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Herpesvirus Isolation and Identification of the Cultured Eel with ‘Red Liver Disease’
Author(s): ZHUO Yu-chen, The Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province
Pages: 117-
Year: 2015
Journal: Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Keyword: eel; herpesvirus; identification; virus isolation;
Abstract: 394bp fragment was amplified and cloned from genomic DNA of the diseased A.Rostrataand A.bicolor bicolor.The nucleotide homology was 100% with DNA polymerase of 6eels herpesvirus(HQ992949,GU233800,FJ940765,EU349272,EU349271,AF333066)and 99% of 2eels herpesvirus(GU205167,AF363783).The suspension of gill,liver and kidney from diseased A.bicolor bicolor and diseased A.Rostrata which filtered through a filter membrane to get rid of bacteria was used to infected EPC cells,CPE appeared after 7d.Now we have cultivated 14 generations fromA.bicolor bicolor and 5generations fromA.Rostrata.
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