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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Evaluation of Solutions to China’s Feed Ingredients
Pages: 45-51
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Researcb on Economics and Management

Keyword:  feed ingredientsoverseas agricultural developmenttrade creation effect;
Abstract: Based on the GTAP model,this paper analyzes the impacts of the solutions of feed ingredients to the feed industry.The expansion of fodder crops and forage acreage and the compression of the area of food and cash crops can increase the number of domestic consumption and export volume,reduce the number of domestic feed grain,and cause major changes on the domestic consumer prices and export prices.Although it increases China’s trade surplus,there is a greater impact on producer returns.The way of agricultural development overseas and the purchase or rent of foreign lands to grow feed grains which then transport back to China,have a small impact on the volume of products for domestic consumption,export prices and import prices,which can improve the livestock processors’earnings.The direct import of animal protein products slightly influences all aspects except the number of import and the volume of meat export.The import of feed grains has the minimal impact on the domestic quantities,prices,trades and producers.
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