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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Characteristics of English -Chinese Translation of the Passive Sentences
Pages: 166-167
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Hubei Correspondence University

Keyword:  passive sentencessentence structurepragmaticstranslation;
Abstract: There are passive sentences both in English and the structure,there are both same and different points in the English passive sentences.The English passive meanings are mainly presented by "be verb plus the voice changes of the verb"while the Chinese passive meanings are mainly presented by some special words,and the verb itself can't reflect the pas-sive meaning.There are also the similarities and differences in the pragmatic functions of English and Chinese passives sen-tences.The English passive sentences can express more with less expression of passive sentences in Chinese.Therefore,this characteristic should be reflected when translating English -Chinese passive sentences.
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