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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Influence of Chemical Deacidification on Sensory Quality of Italian Riesling Dry White Wine in Yangling
Pages: 38-42+48
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Beijing Institute of Light Industry

Keyword:  chemical deacidificationdry white winesensory qualityprincipal component analysisItalian Riesling;
Abstract: The influence of deacification on the sensory quality of Italian Riesling dry white wine in Yangling,Shanxi was studied. After alcohol fermentation,wine was deacidified by different amounts of calcium carbonate. and wine color was evaluated by detecting CIELab parameters. Wine aroma characteristics were analyzed and quantified by trained panelists. The total sensory analysis of sample wines was also made. Data were processed by principal component analysis( PCA) to show the influence of different amounts of calcium carbonate on wine color and aroma. Wine treated by 0. 5 g / L calcium carbonate retained the most aroma,and its total sensory score was the highest. After treated by 1. 0 g / L and 1. 5 g / L calcium carbonate,wine had much sweet flavor,less fresh fruity,and lower total sensory score. Meanwhile,wine treated by 2. 0 g / L calcium carbonate lost most fresh fruity and had the lowest total sensory score. Therefore,the optimum concentration of calcium carbonate for the deacidification of Italian Riesling dry white wine in Yangling was 0. 5 g / L.
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