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Soldier Status Monitoring and Command Control System Based on Beidou Navigation System
Author(s): WANG Ping, BA Xinfeng
Pages: 51-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Jianghan University
Keyword: the Beidou position and navigation system; monitoring of vital sign information; real time rescue; command control system;
Abstract: For battle field rescue ,it is important to find wounded soldiers quickly and treat them time?ly ,so it is meaningful for locating the wounded soldiers and acquiring the accurate personal information. The Beidou position and navigation system realizes soldiers information collection and command control , uses China independent developing system namely the Beidou position and navigation system to locate soldiers in battle field ,through soldier status monitoring terminal based on Bluetooth to continuously monitor the physiological parameter of soldiers ,when find the injury ,in real time send the individual in?formation and physiological parameter from terminal to command center ,after receiving the data ,the command center can plan the rescue route and scheme in real time base on terrain and so on information through GIS system ,so realizes the timely rescue to injuries. Analyses functions and features of the Bei?dou navigation system ,introduces the functions and components of soldier information collection system and command control system ,elaborates on the design of soldier information collecting terminal ,the method of vital sign information monitoring ,the components and functions of command control system , and the design of GIS.
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