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Journal Articles
Sparse Set Structure of Floating-point Data Fuzzy Encryption Based on Delay Dependent Logistic Function
Pages: 98-100
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Bulletin of Science and Technology

Keyword:  Logistic functionfuzzy encryptionfloating-point data sparse sets;
Abstract: A sample Logistic function linear frequency based on the delay of floating-point data encryption algorithm for fuzzy optimization techniques is proposed, given the delay dependent Logistic function and definition of fuzzy coding algo?rithm, floating-point data, floating-point data design of real-time interactive network fuzzy encryption scheme is obtained. Realize the key sparse set structure, using encryption delay dependent Logistic function point data storage format based on the sparse matrix, key sparse sets are constructed, the performance of the algorithm is optimized. The simulation results show that, the algorithm of data encryption and decryption performance is good, the data throughput is higher, it can realize the data encryption of database, the cipher text is unpredictable.
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