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Journal Articles
A Wine Grape Cultivar‘Beixin’
Pages: 395-396
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Acta Horticulturae Sinica

Keyword:  grapeVitis vinifera × Vitis amurensiswine makingcultivar;
Abstract: ‘Beixin’is a late-ripening red wine grape cultivar selected from seedlings of Vitis vinifera × V. amurensis. Berries mature in late September in Beijing. The fruit cluster is conical,weighing 155.5 g on average. The average weight of single berry is 3.62 g. The berry is circular and blue black. The flesh is soft and red acid-sweet juice with 22.4% soluble solids content,0.64% titratable acid content and 67.9% juice extraction. It has high yield and resistance to cold and diseases. The wine made from its berry is bright ruby,clear and translucent with aromas of rose flower,rich and well balanced on the palate.
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