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Physiological Changes of Tomato After Grafting
Author(s): DING Jin-ping, XU Xin-cheng, LI Wen-qi, College of Life Science, Shangqiu Normal University
Pages: 29-
Year: 2015
Journal: Northern Horticulture
Keyword: tomato; grafting; soluble protein; MDA;
Abstract: Taking grafted combination of tomato as test material,which were disease tomato‘Money Markerhis’ as scion,disease resistance tomato‘1221’as rootstock,the change of soluble protein content and MDA content were analyzed on seedling of graft scion.The results showed that,seven days after the grafting,MDA content and soluble protein content were increased,which reached a peak at the tenth day,it showed taht grafting lead to a certain level of physiological changes.
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