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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Study on Eco Translatology in International Transmission of Sichuan Liquor Culture
Pages: 118-121
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Liquor-Making Science & Technology

Keyword:  eco translatologySichuan liquor cultureinternational transmission;
Abstract: Sichuan liquor culture plays a decisive role in Chinese liquor culture. However, the translation research on Sichuan liquor culture in international transmission is rare. Under the circumstance of globalization and the marginalization of weak culture, it is urgent to promote Chi-nese traditional culture. In this paper, from the angle of eco translatology, the eco translation of Sichuan liquor culture was studied in order to build up the“translator-centered, text-directed, culture transmission-purposed”ecological translation, and further to promote Sichuan liquor cul-ture and to maintain the ecological balance among world culture system.
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