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Journal Articles
Preparation and characterization of phenylalanine-derived peptide-like polymer nanorods
Pages: 261-263
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Applied Chemical Industry

Keyword:  phenylalaninepeptide-like polymernanorodchirality;
Abstract: White hydrophobic peptide-like polymer was prepared from phenylalanine by one-step solvo-thermal method with oleic acid as reaction media. SEM images showed that the product can simultaneously self-assemble to form nanorod structure under this condition. The as-prepared product was further charac-terized by NMR,UV-Vis spectroscopy,IR spectroscopy,fluorescence spectroscopy,and matrix assisted la-ser desorption ionization/time of flight( MALDI-TOF)mass spectroscopy. The circular dichroism spectra showed that the obtained polymer still possessed chirality property. The facile method provides an ap-proach to synthesize peptide-like polymer.
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