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Journal Articles
Effects of Bio-Latex Replacing Synthetic Latex on the Properties of Coated Paper
Pages: 50-53
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Paper and Paper Making

Keyword:  biological latexstyrene-butadiene latexcoated paper;
Abstract: Eight parts of biological latex was applied to replace a part of styrene-butadiene latex in pre-coating, top coating or in the pre-coating and top coating mixed and the influence of biological latex on the properties of coated paper were studied. The results showed that the brightness of coated paper improved while the gloss of the coated paper reduced; the print gloss of the coated paper improved and it had a slight influence to the surface strength of the coated paper when biological latex was mixed used to replace a part of styrene-butadiene latex in the pre-coating and top coating. The properties of coated paper were better when 5 parts bio-latex in the pre-coating and 3 parts in the top coating.
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