The Research of Subgrade Resilient Modulus in North of Congo
Author(s):LIANG Qingshan, XIE Geng, CHI Quanbao, China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. Pages:254-256+261 Year:2014
Issue:6 Journal:Central South Highway Engineering Keyword:resilient module of subgrade; Field bearing plate; Consistency; Compactness; Beckman Beam Deflection; Abstract:We studied the variation of compaction、consistency、deflection and subgrade resilient modulus E0 combined with Congo(cloth) on the 2nd Highway Engineering Field bearing plate test and Beckman Beam Deflection Experiment,obtained empirical relationships of subgrade resilient modulus E0 with the consistency and degree of compaction、subgrade resilient modulus E0 with the deflection,and compared the soil base resilience modulus values by field measurement with obtained by the look-up table method,on this basis,we proposed recommended values of subgrade resilient modulus E0 in Congo(cloth) in northern.