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Vehicular social network:a survey
Author(s): WANG Xiang, LENG Su-peng, ZHANG Ke, LIU Hao, School of Communication and Information Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Beijing Municipal Transport Operation Coordinate Center, Beijing Transportation Information Center
Pages: 203-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal on Communications
Keyword: vehicular social network; mobile social network; vehicle network;
Abstract: Combining techniques of social networks and wireless communications,vehicular social network(VSN) aim to provide a variety of data delivery services based on the social relationship among vehicle users.With the extensive survey and analysis of existing research work on mobile social network(MSN) and vehicle networks,the architecture and applications of vehicular social network(VSN) as well as the relationship between vehicle networks and social network from a technical viewpoint are presented.The key technologies in VSN are summarized,including the problems and solutions in terms of information delivery,bandwidth allocation,distributed caching,security and privacy.Moreover,future research directions and challenges are presented.
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