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Journal Articles
Morphological characteristics of Calligonum nebkhas on the surface of gravel Gobi desert in Cele,Xinjiang
Pages: 105-110
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment

Keyword:  Calligonumnebkhasmorphological characteristicsgravel Gobi desertCele;
Abstract: Through field measurement for the morphological parameters of typical Calligonum plants and Calligonum nebkhas on gravel Gobi desert in the downstream Cele River,the relativity between them were analyzed by method of mathematical statistics. The outcomes indicated that there was significant positive correlation between plant width in north- south direction of crown diameter and nebkhas width of Calligonum,the correlations between plant width for east- west direction of crown diameter and nebkhas width was not obvious. There was significant linear correlation between crown area of plants and base area of nebkhas,and the square of determination coefficient were 0. 81. There was well correlation between crown area of plants and nebkhas volumes,and the square of determination coefficient was 0. 69. There existed certain correlation between length and width of nebkhas and height and base area of nebkhas. There were significant correlations between height,crown width in north- south direction and east- west direction of plants and width,height and base area of nebkhas. There were no significant correlated except that of significant correlative correlation between windward slope and nebkhas height and leeward slope of nebkhas. There were significant correlations between leeward slope and other relative parameters except for plants height and length of leeward side and total length of nebkhas.
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