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Comparison of immune effects of two coccidiosis vaccines in Jinghai Yellow chicken cross-breeding system parents
Author(s): LIN Yu-xin, SUN Ming-ming, DAI Guo-jun, ZHANG Jing-jing, ZHANG Gen-xi, XIE Kai-zhou, WANG Jin-yu, SONG Ye, WANG Yong-juan, College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Jiangsu Key Lab for Animal Genetic, Breeding, Reproduction and Molecular Design, Jiangsu Jinghai Poultry Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Pages: 67-
Year: 2015
Journal: Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Keyword: BB chicken populations; FF chicken populations; E.tenella; vaccine;
Abstract: In this study, Jinghai Yellow chicken cross-breeding system parental BB and FF were vaccinated two vaccines of500 live Eimeria tenella sporulated oocysts(V1) and standard coccidiosis vaccine(V2) at 9-day-old, and challenged with 2.5 ×104sporulated E.tenella oocysts at 24 days post vaccination(PV). Then, all evaluation parameters were examined at 8 days post challenge(PC) for evaluating the immune effects of two coccidiosis vaccines in BB and FF. The results showed that BB chickens were not serious to FF chickens in clinical signs, lesions in the cecum, relative growth rate, and ACI values post PC. And also the vaccine V1 was more efficient against coccidiosis than that of vaccine V2. The plasma parameters of CAT, SOD in V1 group were significantly higher than that of V2 group(p<0.05). For BB, the IFN-γ levels in group V1 were significantly higher than that in group V2(p<0.05). As for FF chickens, the β-C levels in group V1 were significantly higher than that in group V2(p<0.05).Comprehensive analysis shows that the E.tenella resistance of BB chickens was superior to FF chickens, the immune effect of group V1 was superior to group V2.
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