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A Study on Parents' Image of Tang Marriage Legend
Author(s): WANG Wei
Pages: 29-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Shangluo University
Keyword: Tang marriage legend; parents' image; social environment; family interests;
Abstract: From the text of Tang marriage legend by previous researchers, in evaluating the parents' image, there was more condemned than understanding. Combing with the complex social environment of Tang Dynasty, the whole society had the great enthusiasm on imperial officialdom, advocated such feudal tradition as "parents' order, match-maker's canvasses", strict marriage system and the marriage idea of advocating intelligentsia. From all the factors above, parents' image as defender of the family interests is analyzed. They showed their autocracy and cruel in intervening their children's marriage. However, such autocracy and cruel not only are affected by the results of collective sound of that era, but the need to maintain family interests. Therefore it is unfair to just blame it and ignore the deep social behind it, and it does no good to view parent's image comprehensively and deeply study artistic achievements of Tang legend works.
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