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Journal Articles
Development of C38MnNS5non-quenched and tempered steel with electric arc furnace smelting
Pages: 37-40
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: China Metallurgy

Keyword:  C38MnNS5Steelelectric arc furnace smeltingmodificationnon-quenched and tempered steel;
Abstract: C38MnNS5non-quenched and tempered steel for direct cutting was produced by 100 telectric arc furnace smelting-LF+VD refining-320mm×480mm billet con-casting process at Nanjing Iron and Steel United Co.,Ltd.The rational inner controlling chemical composition has been formulated;the critical processes of the EAF end-point control,deoxidization via producing the white slag in LF,nitrogen and sulfur addition,modification of sulphide and casting with full protection at the low overheating temperature etc have been strengthened.The steel has excellent strength and toughness coordination with yield strength higher than 560 MPa,tensile strength higher than 860 MPa and impact energy higher than 70 J.The various properties of C38MnNS5 steel can meet all the technical requirements from the customers.
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